Can I have my search results displayed chronologically?

Asked 2 years ago

I want to check if I've got all of my clients' points down for an upcoming project we’ll be working on. I had a few ideas that I was passing by my client just to make sure that we were on the same page. I want to go back and look at our conversation string on Basecamp, but I don’t know if I can view them in chronological order so that I don’t miss anything.

Lavern Clay

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Basecamp has a unique search feature for consumers that help them find old search strings. Go to the search box and type in your search term. After hitting Enter, you'll be given a list of results in chronological order, starting from the newest. These will include terms from your messages, comments, and to-do lists. You can filter your search by project, author, or content type — easy peasy!

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