How can I use search in BambooHR to find a candidate?

Asked 2 years ago

Our IT department will be expanded in a few weeks, and I want to be ready for when I need to start recruiting candidates for the new positions. We had two good candidates that we had rejected during the last recruitment cycle, but I forgot their names. Is there a search function in BambooHR that can help me find the candidates using pieces of information that I remember from their cover letters?

Albert Grimes

Friday, September 09, 2022

BambooHR has a special "candidates" option at the top bar for candidate search. Previous updates confined the search to specific personal information keywords, such as names. However, the latest program has broad search criteria for candidate search. If you remember multiple terms from their cover letters, write them in the search field one by one by pressing the TAB key after each term. It will include only the results linked to the listed keywords.

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