Will creating groups for new hires increase social collaboration?
Asked 3 years ago
We have been developing new strategies for the onboarding and training process of our new hires. The aim is to develop a process or find tools that will assist in the sharing of knowledge between new employees and existing ones. This effort is mainly to promote a culture of learning and development and to create an environment where they are all comfortable with asking questions and sharing knowledge.
Wade Wyatt
Monday, August 08, 2022
Creating groups for new hires allows them to share their knowledge and skills as they transition into their role at the company. Productive collaboration video meetings and chat tools also come in handy to enhance task-oriented communication. On top of that, you can design a system of 'learning moments' where employees can share what they've learned until now. Consequently, everyone stays up-to-date with the latest developments in the organization.
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