How do I use the Lucene Query Syntax in Azure?
Asked 3 years ago
I am looking into using Lucene Query Syntax for querying indexes. I'll mostly be using it for proximity searches and phrases found in the title field. I am worried that I won't be able to use it in Azure where I work. Can someone please help me understand how to use Lucene Query Syntax in Azure?
Steve Fritz
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
When you use Lucene Query Syntax in Azure, you will have the option to choose one of the following specialized query forms:
- Wildcard,
- Fuzzy search,
- Proximity search,
- Regular expressions.
Most of the Lucene Query Syntax is implemented in Azure Cognitive Search. You can do the following steps to use the Syntax.
- Operator Evaluation,
- Escaping Special Characters,
- Encoding Unsafe Characters in URLs,
- Using Boolean Operators and much more.
To know how to perform these functions in detail, you can read the detailed blog on the Microsoft website.
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