Federated queriesPosts and articles about Federated queriesCommunityWhat are some examples of a federated search?Hi all. I understand that a federated search is a method that searches for information from multiple data sources at the same time. However, I'm having trouble...CommunityWhat is a federated data source?Hello everyone. I am looking for some assistance. I'm struggling to understand federated data sources and was hoping someone could shed some light on this matte...CommunityWhat's the difference between GraphQL federation and schema stitching?I'm a little confused when it comes to GraphQL federation vs. schema stitching. What's the difference between the two? When is one better to use than the other?...CommunityWhich Amazon Web Services (AWS) support federated queries?Hi, I'm a data analyst, and I need to collect data from Amazon. I wondered whether there is an Amazin service that supports federated queries to make the search...CommunityWhat is federated data governance?Hi there everyone. I was wondering if someone could help me improve my understanding of data governance. What is federated data governance? And what are some of...CommunityWhat are the advantages of GraphQL federation?Hi! I'm interested in finding out more about GraphQL and what makes it good. What are some of the advantages of GraphQL federation? Thanks.CommunityWhat is GraphQL federation?Hi there. I've been hearing a lot about GraphQL, but I'm hoping someone can help me out by giving me a bit of information. I'd like to know what GraphQL federa...